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好的,没问题,我尊重你的意愿。 复制
没关系,抱抱不是必须的,我们还是朋友。 复制
看来你现在不需要安慰,那我就陪你静静吧。 复制
好的,那我可以给你一个拥抱的虚拟版本吗? 复制
没有问题,我理解你可能现在不想被碰触。 复制
没关系,我可以跟你一起坐着,或者帮你做些什么。 复制
好的,我们可以做些其他的事情来放松自己。 复制
没问题,我们可以聊聊天,或者做些其他的事情来分散注意力。 复制
好的,我会注意不触碰你,我们还是可以在一起。 复制
没关系,我会尊重你的边界,我们还是可以共处。 复制
关于森林唯美句子的英文翻译 复制
<pre> The forest is a magical kingdom, where the trees whisper secrets and the leaves dance in the breeze. (森林是一个神奇的王国,树木低语着秘密,树叶在微风中舞动。) In the heart of the forest, time stands still and the beauty of nature surrounds you like a warm embrace. (在森林的心脏地带,时间停滞了,自然的美丽像温暖的拥抱一样围绕着你。) The forest is a symphony of colors, where the vibrant green of the leaves blends with the warm hues of the bark and the earthy tones of the soil. (森林是色彩的交响乐,繁盛的绿色叶子与温暖的树皮色调和泥土的土色相融合。) The forest is a sanctuary for the soul, where the silence is broken only by the rustling of the leaves and the chirping of the birds. (森林是灵魂的庇护所,只有叶子的沙沙声和鸟儿的鸣叫打破了寂静。) The forest is a place of wonder, where every tree, every flower, and every creature tells a story of its own. (森林是一个奇妙的地方,每棵树、每朵花、每个生物都有自己的故事。) The forest is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature, where the majesty of the trees and the delicate grace of the flowers inspire awe and wonder. (森林是自然之美和力量的提醒,树木的威严和花卉的优美令人敬畏和惊叹。) The forest is a place of tranquility and renewal, where the cool shade and the fresh air soothe the mind and invigorate the body. (森林是平静和更新的地方,凉爽的阴影和新鲜的空气舒缓心灵,振奋身体。) The forest is a canvas of nature's art, where the intricate patterns of the leaves and the branches create a tapestry of exquisite beauty. (森林是自然艺术的画布,叶子和树枝的复杂图案创造出一个精美的挂毯。) The forest is a place of mystery and enchantment, where the shadows and the light play hide-and-seek and the secrets of the forest reveal themselves to those who seek them. (森林是神秘和迷人的地方,阴影和光明玩捉迷藏,森林的秘密会向那些寻找的人揭示。) The forest is a timeless wonder, where the cycles of life and death and the rhythms of nature continue in an eternal dance. (森林是一个永恒的奇迹,生死循环和自然的节奏在永恒的舞蹈中继续。)</pre> 复制
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