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好啊,那我们慢慢走吧。 复制
要不要我背你? 复制
不如找个地方坐一下休息一下吧。 复制
我们可以找个咖啡馆或茶馆歇一会儿。 复制
看你这么辛苦,我来扛一会儿包吧。 复制
你是不是需要喝点水或者吃点东西? 复制
如果你实在太累了,我们可以回家休息一下再出来玩。 复制
要不要我给你讲个笑话缓解一下疲劳? 复制
如果你需要休息,我完全理解,我们可以随时停下来。 复制
女神辛苦了,我来给你按摩一下吧。 复制
关于陪伴的英语句子唯美 复制
<pre> Being with you is like a dream come true, I never want to wake up. I am grateful for your presence in my life, you make everything better and brighter. In your arms, I feel safe and loved. Thank you for being my constant support. You bring out the best in me and I am blessed to have you by my side. Every moment spent with you is a memory worth cherishing forever. The world is a better place with you in it, and I am lucky to be sharing it with you. Your smile lights up my world and your laughter fills my heart with joy. I never knew what true happiness was until I met you, thank you for being my constant source of joy. You are the missing piece that completes me, and I am grateful for your unwavering love and support. There is nothing more beautiful than spending time with someone who makes your heart happy.</pre> 复制
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