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What do you mean by saying I don't seem like a girl? Can you please elaborate? 复制
Why do you think I don't fit the stereotypical image of a girl? I'd like to understand your perspective. 复制
I may not conform to society's expectations of how a girl should be, but that doesn't make me any less of one. 复制
Being a girl is not defined by conforming to certain labels or behaviors. I am comfortable with who I am. 复制
I'm proud of my unique personality and the fact that I don't fit into a standard mold of femininity. 复制
It's important to remember that gender is not a one-size-fits-all concept. We should celebrate diversity and individuality. 复制
Instead of focusing on what society expects of me as a girl, let's appreciate each other for who we truly are. 复制
I believe that being true to myself is more important than trying to fit into societal expectations of femininity. 复制
If being a girl means being true to myself and embracing my own identity, then I am happy to defy stereotypes. 复制
I appreciate your opinion, but it's essential for us to accept each other as we are, regardless of societal expectations. 复制
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