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喜欢笑,生活会更美好。 复制
没有沙雕也不会那么有趣啊。 复制
沙雕是个性,我自豪! 复制
沙雕也是一种表达方式,没有必要太在意别人的看法。 复制
沙雕是我独特的魅力,哈哈。 复制
看来我成功把你逗笑了,谢谢夸奖! 复制
我是个快乐的人,沙雕只是表现出来的一部分。 复制
我喜欢用幽默化解尴尬,沙雕只是其中之一。 复制
没有沙雕,我的生活会变得好无聊。 复制
没有沙雕的我,不是我。 复制
英语关于青春的句子唯美句子 复制
<pre> Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. Youth is the time to sow, age is the time to reap. Youth is a time to be seized, not wasted. Youth is a time of wonder, excitement and adventure. Youth is a time to dream big and make those dreams a reality. Youth is a time to learn, explore and discover the world around us. Youth is a time to love, laugh and enjoy life to the fullest. Youth is a time to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them. Youth is a time to be bold, daring and fearless. Youth is a time to be free, wild and adventurous.</pre> 复制
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