首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 女生说修仙我该怎么回复


Wow, that's really interesting! Can you tell me more about what it means to '修仙'? 复制
I've never heard of that before, can you explain what it involves? 复制
Do you believe in the idea of '修仙'? What draws you to it? 复制
That sounds like a really spiritual and fulfilling practice. Have you noticed any changes in yourself since starting? 复制
I'd love to learn more about '修仙'. Do you have any books or resources you would recommend? 复制
It's great that you have found something that brings you happiness and meaning. Is there anything specific that you hope to achieve through '修仙'? 复制
I'm fascinated by different belief systems and practices. Can you tell me how '修仙' fits into your overall worldview? 复制
I'm not familiar with '修仙', but I'm always open to learning about new things. Can you tell me more about it? 复制
It's great that you have found something that helps you feel centered and grounded. How do you incorporate '修仙' into your daily life? 复制
I'm curious to know more about the history and origins of '修仙'. Are there any stories or legends that you find particularly inspiring? 复制
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