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“我有两个选择:要么吃饭,要么被你吃掉。” 复制
“我刚刚才吃过,但是我可以陪你看你吃。” 复制
“你确定要和我一起吃饭?我很容易吃光一整家餐厅的食物。” 复制
“当然,我的胃已经准备好了,但是我的钱包还需要一些时间。” 复制
“你是说你要请我吃饭吗?” 复制
“饭后百步走,不如饭后百步骑,我们去骑车吧。” 复制
“我只想提醒你,我是一个吃货。” 复制
“我会给你带礼物的,但是我不确定它可以吃。” 复制
“我不知道你为什么要请我吃饭,但是我很高兴接受。” 复制
“请问你要吃哪种食物?因为我不想和你点同样的东西。” 复制
赞美友情的英语句子唯美句子 复制
<pre> True friendship is a treasure that cannot be bought or sold, but must be earned and cherished. A true friend is someone who knows you inside and out, yet still loves you for who you are. The best kind of friendship is the one where you can just sit silently together and still feel completely understood. True friends are the ones who stick with you through thick and thin, and never judge you for your flaws or mistakes. A real friend is someone who makes you laugh when you feel like crying, and who lifts you up when you feel down. Friendship is not about how long you have known each other, but about the quality of the time you spend together. The greatest gift you can give a friend is your time and attention, and the greatest joy is the love and support you receive in return. The best friendships are the ones where you can be yourself completely, without fear of judgement or rejection. True friends are the ones who know your darkest secrets and still choose to stand by your side. Friendship is the glue that holds us together, even when life tries to tear us apart.</pre> 复制
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