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很抱歉,我现在有点忙,等我有时间了再联系你吧。 复制
没问题,我也很忙,我们等到两个人都有空再聊吧。 复制
如果你不想聊天,没关系,我不会强求你的。 复制
好的,我理解你现在不想聊天,我们下次再说。 复制
如果你需要休息,我完全理解,你随时可以联系我。 复制
没问题,我也有时候需要一些独处的时间。 复制
如果你不想聊天,我完全理解,我们可以等到你想聊的时候再联系。 复制
没问题,我不会打扰你的,你随时可以联系我。 复制
如果你不想聊天,我完全理解,我们可以等到你感觉好一些再联系。 复制
没关系,我不会觉得不舒服,你随时可以联系我。 复制
英文童话中的唯美句子 复制
<pre> Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a beautiful princess with long, golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. The sun slowly sank below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow across the peaceful countryside. As the gentle breeze swept through the forest, the leaves rustled softly, creating a soothing melody. The stars twinkled like diamonds in the clear night sky, illuminating the path for the brave knight on his quest to save the princess. The rainbow arched across the sky, painting a picture of hope and promise for all who saw it. The flowers bloomed in vibrant colors, filling the air with a sweet fragrance that lifted the spirits of all who passed by. The majestic mountains stood tall and proud, their snow-capped peaks reaching up to touch the clouds. The crystal-clear stream flowed gently through the meadow, reflecting the beauty of the surrounding nature. The magical fairy danced gracefully in the moonlight, her wings sparkling like diamonds. The gentle touch of a mother's love was felt by all, as she comforted her child with soothing words and a warm embrace.</pre> 复制
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