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是我,有什么事吗? 复制
嗯,我在听,你说吧。 复制
嘿,你好啊,想找我吗? 复制
哦,我在这里,有什么需要帮忙的吗? 复制
是我啊,有什么事情需要我帮忙吗? 复制
是我,你需要我做什么吗? 复制
嗯,听到了,需要我做什么吗? 复制
哦,你好啊,有什么事情需要我处理吗? 复制
是我,你有什么需要和我讲吗? 复制
嘿,听到了,需要我帮你做些什么吗? 复制
英文悲伤唯美句子说说心情 复制
<pre> My heart feels heavy, as if a weight is pulling it down. The sadness I feel is like a never-ending abyss, swallowing me whole. Sometimes, I wish I could just disappear into the darkness and never come back. The tears that fall from my eyes are like a never-ending river, flowing endlessly. My heart aches with a pain that I can't describe, and I feel like I'm drowning in my own sorrow. The loneliness I feel is like a heavy cloud, hovering over my head, blocking out the sunshine. The world seems so cold and empty without you, and I feel lost and alone. My heart is shattered into a million pieces, and I don't know how to put it back together. The memories of you haunt me, and the pain of losing you is almost too much to bear. I feel like I'm walking through a dark tunnel, with no light at the end, and no way out.</pre> 复制
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