首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 女生说想给我改个备注怎么回复他


Sure, I'd love to see what clever nickname you come up with for me! 复制
I'm definitely curious to know what you have in mind for my new nickname! 复制
I'm open to suggestions, but please keep it friendly and lighthearted! 复制
Go ahead and surprise me with a fun and memorable nickname! 复制
I'm excited to see how you'll capture my personality in just a few words! 复制
I trust your creativity, so go ahead and give me a cool nickname! 复制
I'm looking forward to having a unique nickname, thanks for offering to come up with one! 复制
Feel free to get creative, but let's keep it appropriate and respectful! 复制
I'm open to a nickname that reflects my interests or quirks, if you have any ideas! 复制
Thanks for wanting to give me a nickname; I'm excited to see what you come up with! 复制
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