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Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it. 复制
I need some time to think about this. 复制
I'm flattered, but I don't feel the same way. 复制
I'm not ready for a relationship at the moment. 复制
Let's just stay friends for now. 复制
I'm glad you told me, but I don't want to lead you on. 复制
I value our friendship too much to risk it for a relationship. 复制
I'm already in a committed relationship. 复制
I need to focus on myself right now. 复制
I'm sorry, but I don't see you in a romantic way. 复制
辰字的唯美句子 复制
<pre> 辰时晨曦,阳光照耀,世界苏醒。 辰年花开,烟雨蒙蒙,春意盎然。 辰光万道,山水相间,美不胜收。 辰云飘逸,海浪澎湃,自由自在。 辰星闪耀,夜幕降临,美丽如画。 辰风吹拂,绿树成荫,清新宜人。 辰月皎洁,星光闪耀,静谧祥和。 辰时归家,家人相聚,温馨幸福。 辰年岁月,光阴荏苒,珍惜当下。 辰音悠扬,琴韵清丽,沉醉其中。</pre> 复制
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