首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 几十年没见的女生说想你了怎么回复


Wow, it's been ages! I can't believe you're reaching out after all these years. How have you been? 复制
I hope life has been treating you well. I've missed our old times. What's been going on? 复制
A blast from the past! I never thought I'd hear from you again. How did you suddenly remember me? 复制
Your message surprised me, but in a good way. I've often wondered how you've been. What's new in your life? 复制
The nostalgia hit me hard when I saw your message. It's great to hear from you. How have things changed since we last met? 复制
I can't help but smile when I read your message. We definitely have some catching up to do. Where should we start? 复制
Time flew by, and here we are reconnecting. It's nice to hear from you. What's been your most memorable experience since we last met? 复制
Your message brought back so many memories. I've missed our conversations. How about we grab a coffee and reminisce? 复制
I'm thrilled that you reached out after all this time. There's so much to share. How about we schedule a call or meet up? 复制
I've thought about you from time to time. It's great to hear that you've been thinking of me too. Let's catch up and fill in the gaps! 复制
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