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当然可以,我们一起去找找适合你的工作吧。 复制
好的,你想要做什么样的工作呢? 复制
没问题,我可以推荐一些适合你的工作岗位。 复制
很高兴你对工作有兴趣,我们可以一起探索一下。 复制
当然可以,带你去做工也是我应该做的。 复制
好啊,一起去找一个让你满意的工作。 复制
好主意,我们可以一起去打听一下哪里需要人手。 复制
没问题,我们可以一起去拜访一些公司或店铺。 复制
当然可以,我会尽力帮你找到一个适合你的工作。 复制
好的,我们可以制定一个计划,一起找到一个合适你的工作。 复制
中英文唯美句子大全 复制
<pre> Life is a journey, and every step we take is a new adventure. 人生是一场旅程,每一步都是全新的冒险。 Love is not just a feeling, it's a choice we make every day. 爱不仅仅是一种感觉,它更是我们每天做的一个选择。 The world is a beautiful place, and there is so much to explore. 世界是一个美丽的地方,有很多值得探索的东西。 Time is precious, so make every moment count. 时间是宝贵的,所以要珍惜每一刻。 Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation. 有时候最伟大的冒险就是一次简单的交谈。 Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey. 幸福不是一个终点,它是一段旅程。 Life is like a camera, focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot. 生命就像一部相机,专注于美好的时光,从负面的事情中发展,如果事情不顺利,再来一次。 The best things in life are not things, they are moments. 生命中最美好的事物不是物质,而是瞬间。 Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation. 爱不是关于拥有,而是关于欣赏。 Life is a canvas, and we are the artists. Paint your life with bright colors and bold strokes. 生命是一幅画布,我们是艺术家。用明亮的色彩和大胆的笔触来描绘你的生命。 1 Sometimes the most beautiful things in life are the simple things. 有时候生命中最美好的事情是最简单的。 1 The best way to predict your future is to create it. 预测你的未来最好的方法是创造它。 1 Life is too short to waste time on things that don't matter. 生命太短暂了,不要浪费时间在那些不重要的事情上。 1 Love is not a noun, it's a verb. It's something you do, not something you have. 爱不是名词,而是动词。爱是你做的事情,不是你拥有的东西。 1 Life is a journey, and sometimes the road is bumpy. But don't give up, because the view from the top is worth it. 生命是一场旅程,有时候路途崎岖。但不要放弃,因为从山顶看到的景色是值得的。 1 Beauty is not just skin deep, it's a reflection of the soul. 美不仅仅是肌肤深处,它是灵魂的反映。 1 Life is a puzzle, and sometimes the pieces don't fit. But keep trying, because eventually they will. 生命是一个拼图,有时候拼图的碎片不匹配。但继续尝试,因为最终它们会拼合在一起。 1 Love is not about finding someone who completes you, it's about finding someone who accepts you for who you are. 爱不是找到一个能够完成你的人,而是找到一个接受你的人。 1 Life is a journey, and the people we meet along the way are the colors that make it beautiful. 生命是一场旅程,我们遇到的人是让它变得美丽的颜色。 20. Love is not about being perfect, it's about accepting each other's imperfections. 爱不是关于完美,而是关于接受彼此的不足。</pre> 复制
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