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是啊,这种天气最适合窝在被窝里看电影了。 复制
可以喝一杯热茶暖暖身子。 复制
雨天适合吃火锅,不如一起去吃吧。 复制
穿上厚外套,去逛个街,也是不错的选择。 复制
雨天适合泡温泉,不如去温泉度假村放松一下。 复制
可以在家里煮一碗热汤,暖暖心灵。 复制
雨天适合听音乐,不如听听舒缓的音乐放松一下。 复制
可以和朋友一起打一局桌游,度过一个温馨的夜晚。 复制
雨天适合看书,不如找一本好书静静地读一下。 复制
可以练练瑜伽,放松身心,同时也可以增强体质。 复制
等待的唯美英文句子 复制
<pre> Waiting for you feels like waiting for the sun to rise after a long, dark night. I'll wait for you, even if it takes forever, because you're worth it. Every moment I spend waiting for you is a moment I cherish, because I know that when you finally arrive, it will be worth it. The anticipation of your arrival is like a sweet, slow burn that I never want to end. Waiting for you isn't a burden, it's a privilege, because it means I get to be with you eventually. I'll wait for you, even if the wait is long and hard, because the thought of being with you is worth every second. The waiting is hard, but it's also beautiful, because it means we have something worth waiting for. Every minute I spend waiting for you is a minute that brings us closer together, even if we're physically apart. The waiting is tough, but it's also a reminder of how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Waiting for you is like waiting for a shooting star - it's rare, but when it finally happens, it's magical.</pre> 复制
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