首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 女生跟你说有男朋友了该怎么回复


Oh, I see. That's great! I wish you all the happiness with your boyfriend. 复制
Congratulations! I hope he treats you well. 复制
That's understandable. I respect your decision and wish you the best in your relationship. 复制
I'm happy for you. It takes courage to find love and I'm glad you did. 复制
I hope your relationship brings you lots of joy and fulfillment. 复制
No problem, I value our friendship regardless of your relationship status. 复制
Thanks for telling me. I appreciate your honesty. 复制
I understand. Let me know if you ever need someone to talk to. 复制
I hope your boyfriend is as amazing as you are. 复制
I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy. You deserve it. 复制
形容杏的味道句子唯美 复制
<pre> 杏的味道如同春天的芬芳,清新而令人陶醉。 杏的香气仿佛是一缕阳光,温暖而舒适。 杏子的味道像是一股清新的涟漪,轻柔而温和。 杏子的味道宛如一首优美的诗,温婉而动人。 杏的味道像是一朵盛放的花朵,香气扑鼻,令人心醉。</pre> 复制
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