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Okay, I respect your decision. Just know that I'm here if you ever change your mind and want to talk about it. 复制
That's alright. I understand that you may not be ready to share right now. Just remember that I'm always here to listen whenever you need me. 复制
No problem, everyone has their own boundaries. Just know that I'm here to support you regardless of whether you choose to share or not. 复制
I understand if you're not comfortable sharing. Just know that I'm here for you whenever you're ready, no pressure. 复制
Alright, I won't push you to tell me anything. Just remember that I care about you and I'm here for you whenever you need me. 复制
I respect your decision to keep it to yourself. Just know that I'm here to support you in any way that I can, even if that means giving you space. 复制
I understand if you don't want to talk about it. But if you ever feel like you need to open up, just remember that I'm here to listen without judgment. 复制
Okay, I won't pry. Just remember that my support for you remains constant, regardless of what you choose to share or not. 复制
I appreciate your honesty. Just know that I care about you and I'm always here to listen whenever you're ready to share. 复制
I respect your decision. If you ever change your mind in the future, feel free to reach out. I'm here for you, no matter what. 复制
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