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Wow, you're tall! I'm only 58m. 复制
That's a great height! Do you find it easy to reach things on high shelves? 复制
I envy your height! I wish I was a bit taller. 复制
66m is the perfect height for a model! 复制
You must have played basketball or volleyball in school, right? 复制
I bet you're great at standing out in a crowd! 复制
I'm sure you have a great view at concerts and events! 复制
You're like a giant compared to me! But in a good way. 复制
Your height makes you look so elegant and graceful. 复制
You're proof that good things come in tall packages! 复制
悟的唯美句子 复制
<pre> 世间的美好,往往藏在朴素中。 春水碧于天,画船听雨眠。 白云深处有人家,花木丛中藏童话。 梦中花落知多少,红颜易老绿颜残。 青山不老,绿水长存,岁月如歌,情深不渝。 繁花似锦,岁月如梭,一场花开一场梦。 江山如画,人生如诗,岁月如歌,心灵如花。 人生苦短,唯有美好与爱不可辜负。 风吹过,花香满衣袂,心醉于花的美丽。 这个世界上最美的事物,莫过于心中的那份爱和感动。</pre> 复制
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