首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 当女生说我不是人类时怎么回复他


Oh really? Then what are you? 复制
Well, if you're not human, what species do you belong to? 复制
Interesting, I didn't know I was talking to a non-human being! 复制
That's quite a statement! Care to explain why you think that way? 复制
Well, I certainly find you fascinating, whether you're human or not. 复制
If you're not a human, does that mean you have special abilities or powers? 复制
I'm curious to know more about your non-human nature. Can you share some details? 复制
I believe everyone has their unique qualities. What makes you think you're not human? 复制
I'm starting to think you're an extraterrestrial or some mythical creature! 复制
Regardless of your species, I value your thoughts and opinions. Let's continue the conversation! 复制
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