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当女生说想回家了 怎么回复她

Sure, let's head home now. Do you need me to call a ride for us? 复制
I completely understand. Let's get going. 复制
Home sweet home! Let's go. 复制
I had a great time, but I know how it feels to want to be home. Let's go. 复制
No problem! Let's wrap things up and head out. 复制
I'm happy to go whenever you're ready. Let's go. 复制
I'm feeling the same way. Let's head home now. 复制
Absolutely. Let's get you home. 复制
Sounds good to me. Let's go. 复制
Home is where the heart is. Let's head back. 复制
自己的错误唯美句子 复制
<pre> 我的错误如同一朵花开在心灵深处,美丽却不是让人神往的。 错误是人生路上的一块石头,它让我曾经跌倒,也让我学会了如何站起来。 我犯的错误就像是一幅画,错综复杂,却也让我更加深刻地认识了自己。 我的错误像是一首悲歌,让我深深地感受到了生命的脆弱与珍贵。 错误是我成长路上的一道坎,它让我明白了失败是成功之母的真谛。</pre> 复制
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