首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 女生说你瘦得和猴子似的怎么回复


谢谢你的夸奖,我正努力保持身材。 复制
猴子也很可爱,我何乐而不为呢? 复制
我的身材是自然纤瘦,不需要刻意减肥。 复制
有些人喜欢纤瘦的身材,有些人喜欢丰满的身材,各有所爱嘛。 复制
我觉得猴子挺帅的,你也这么觉得吗? 复制
谁说猴子不好看了?我觉得它们很有灵性呢。 复制
瘦并不代表不健康,我保持健康的生活方式才是最重要的。 复制
猴子也是灵活、敏捷、运动能力强的动物,我觉得这很棒。 复制
我不在意别人对我的外貌评价,我更关注自己的内心世界。 复制
谁说瘦就不好看了?我相信自信和自爱才是真正的美丽。 复制
唯美英语词语句子 复制
<pre> The sunset painted the sky with a palette of warm, vibrant colors. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. The moonlit path led me to a tranquil garden filled with fragrant roses. The sound of waves crashing against the shore was a soothing melody to my ears. The stars twinkled like diamonds in the clear night sky. The snow-covered trees glistened in the morning light, creating a magical winter wonderland. The soft, silky petals of the cherry blossom fluttered in the breeze like delicate butterflies. The majestic mountains stood tall and proud, casting a shadow over the valley below. The tranquil lake mirrored the beauty of the surrounding mountains and trees. The rustling leaves and chirping birds created a symphony of nature's song.</pre> 复制
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