首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 幽默搞笑回复男生说他比女生瘦了


那你赶紧去吃点东西,不要让女生们看不起你哦。 复制
瘦不是问题,关键是要健康,你有注意饮食吗? 复制
哇,你这是在夸我吗?我可是羡慕你的身材呢。 复制
说实话,我觉得我们都挺瘦的,不如一起去健身房锻炼一下吧。 复制
看来你是忍不住我的美食诱惑了,不过没关系,我会给你减肥的秘方的。 复制
这不是我故意的,我最近一直在减肥呢,不然穿什么衣服都不好看。 复制
哎呀,你这是在羡慕我的好身材吗?我也想变成肌肉男呢。 复制
身材不是问题,关键是气质,我相信你一定很有男人味。 复制
你是在说我瘦还是在夸你自己呢?反正我觉得我们两个都挺好的。 复制
身材苗条的人总是会让别人妒忌,不过没关系,我们只要健康就好了。 复制
英语关于浪漫的句子唯美 复制
<pre> Love is like a beautiful flower that blooms in the most unexpected places. The warmth of your touch, the taste of your kiss, and the sound of your voice, all make my heart beat faster. I never knew true love until I met you. You have made my life complete. Being with you is like being in a dream. I never want to wake up. Your eyes are like the stars, shining brightly in the darkness. You are the sunshine in my life, the light that guides me through the darkest days. When I am with you, everything else disappears. There is only you and me in this world. Love is not just a feeling, it's an adventure. And I'm so glad we're on this journey together. Your smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It brightens up my day and makes my heart skip a beat. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you. You took my breath away, and I knew I had to have you.</pre> 复制
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