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Wow, that's so kind of you! Thank you in advance, I'm already looking forward to it. 复制
You really don't have to, but I appreciate the thoughtfulness. 复制
I'm touched by your generosity, thank you for thinking of me. 复制
You're such a sweetheart, I can't wait to see what you have in mind. 复制
I don't know what to say, but thank you so much! 复制
I'm honored that you want to give me a gift, it means a lot to me. 复制
I hope it's something I'll love, but I'm already grateful for the thought behind it. 复制
I'm speechless, but thank you for your kindness. 复制
Your gesture has truly made my day, thank you for being so thoughtful. 复制
I'm humbled by your generosity, thank you for being such an amazing friend. 复制
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