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Oh, I see. Take care of yourself and rest well. 复制
Do you need anything? I can grab some pain relievers for you. 复制
I understand how uncomfortable it can be. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. 复制
No worries at all, we can reschedule our plans for another time. 复制
Do you want to talk about anything or vent? I'm here to listen. 复制
I hope it passes quickly for you. 复制
I have some chocolate if you want some comfort food. 复制
Take it easy and don't push yourself too hard. 复制
I'm sorry to hear that. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make it easier. 复制
Sending you lots of love and support during this time. 复制
恋爱中幸福的唯美句子 复制
<pre> 有你在身边,我觉得整个世界都变得美好了。 每一次相遇都是一种幸福,每一次分别都是一种期待。 我想和你一起走过漫长的人生路,直到我们的手老去。 你的微笑是我最大的幸福,你的拥抱是我最温暖的港湾。 在我的心里,你一直是我最深爱的人,我的幸福永远都离不开你。 和你在一起的时光仿佛变得缓慢而温柔,让我感受到了爱的力量。 我愿意为你付出一切,因为你就是我心中的幸福。 你的温柔和体贴让我感到无比的幸福和安心。 在你的怀抱中,我感受到了最真实的爱和最美好的幸福。 我爱你,不仅是因为你让我感到幸福,更是因为你让我变得更好。</pre> 复制
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