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如果你不介意,我可以叫你(她的名字)。 复制
当然,你希望我叫你什么? 复制
我可以叫你任何你想要的名字,只要你告诉我。 复制
你希望我叫你什么?我很愿意。 复制
当然,我可以叫你(她的昵称)。 复制
你觉得怎么样?我可以叫你(她的名字)或者(她的昵称)。 复制
我可以叫你任何你喜欢的名字,只要你说出来。 复制
我可以叫你(她的名字),如果你喜欢的话。 复制
当然,我可以叫你(她的名字)或者(她的昵称),取决于你。 复制
你希望我怎么称呼你? 复制
形容婚礼的唯美句子英语 复制
<pre> The bride looked like a princess in her stunning white gown, and the groom stood tall and handsome in his dark suit. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the sounds of soft music as the happy couple exchanged their vows. The sun shone brightly on the beautiful garden ceremony, casting a warm glow on the smiling faces of the guests. The bride and groom shared a tender kiss under the arch of flowers, sealing their love forever in front of their loved ones. The reception was a magical affair, with twinkling lights, delicious food, and joyous laughter filling the air. The wedding was a true celebration of love and commitment, a day that will forever be cherished in the hearts of the happy couple and their families. As the happy couple danced under the stars, surrounded by their loved ones, it was clear that their love would last a lifetime. The wedding was a perfect blend of elegance and romance, a day that will be remembered for years to come. The bride's radiant smile and the groom's adoring gaze were a testament to the pure and enduring love they shared. The wedding day was a dream come true, a moment of pure joy and happiness that will never be forgotten.</pre> 复制
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