首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 女生说要在圣诞节送我礼物怎么回复他


Wow, that's really sweet of you! I'm touched that you want to give me a gift for Christmas. 复制
I appreciate the thought, but please don't feel obligated to get me anything. Your friendship is more than enough! 复制
If you really insist on giving me a gift, how about we exchange something small and meaningful, like handwritten letters or homemade treats? 复制
Instead of spending money on a gift, why don't we plan a fun activity together to celebrate the holiday season? 复制
I'd love it if we could volunteer together during Christmas time. That would be a wonderful gift. 复制
How about we do a secret Santa gift exchange with our friends? It could be a fun way to celebrate with everyone. 复制
If you're set on getting me a gift, I'd appreciate something practical that I can use daily. 复制
I've been wanting to try out a new hobby. Maybe you could gift me something related to that interest? 复制
Let's focus on spending quality time together during Christmas instead of worrying about material gifts. 复制
Your friendship is the best gift I could ask for. Let's make lasting memories this Christmas! 复制
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