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That sounds great! When do you want to go and what do you want to do? 复制
I'm up for it! Where do you want to go and when? 复制
Count me in! Let's plan the details together. 复制
I'm excited about the idea! Tell me more about what you have in mind. 复制
I'm totally on board! Let's make it happen. 复制
I love your enthusiasm! Let's go for it. Any preferences on the date or destination? 复制
I'm all for being proactive! How about we brainstorm some ideas and decide on the best plan? 复制
I think it's awesome that you want to take the initiative. Let's start figuring out the logistics. 复制
I'm game! Let's discuss the details and make it a memorable experience. 复制
I'm thrilled that you're taking the lead! Let's work together to make it a fantastic outing. 复制
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