首页 > 恋爱话术库 > 和女生要微信她不回复该怎么说话呢


Hey, I noticed that you haven't replied to my previous message. Is everything okay? 复制
I hope I didn't say anything wrong in my previous message. If I did, I apologize. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to make it right. 复制
I understand if you're busy or if something came up. Just wanted to check in and see if everything is alright. 复制
If you're not interested in talking, it's totally okay. Just let me know so I don't bother you further. 复制
I really enjoyed our previous conversation and would love to continue it. If you're free, I'd love to hear from you. 复制
I'm just reaching out again to see if you got my previous message. If you're not interested, please let me know so I don't keep bothering you. 复制
I'm not sure if my message got lost or if you're simply not interested. Either way, it's okay. Just wanted to check in and make sure everything is alright. 复制
I hope I haven't done anything to upset you. If I have, please let me know so I can apologize and make it right. 复制
I understand if you're not interested in talking or if something came up. Just wanted to make sure everything is okay. 复制
If for any reason you're not interested in talking, please let me know. I appreciate honesty and would rather know than keep wondering. 复制
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